Home sweet home.
2009-07-11 @ 17:10:50
This three holiday weeks ended so soon. Today I came back from my grandmother and grandfather. I like spend time with them, they are really great! I went brown when the wheater was good and I am sunburnt ;)
My plans.. I carry out some plans but not all. For exemple I want to jog every day but it's not succeed (yet :) )
I bought some things :) I'm going to learn how to going on stilettos. I must admit that I prefer going on plane ;) But I'm not tall so I want to add to me some centimetres ;)

In three weeks my status will change on 'adult' ;) I'll come on age ;) I don't wait for this so much because I think for now nothing's gonna change. I'll get identity card and what? When I was younger I remember I want to be older but today I prefer stay in my age. I know it's no soap ;) At my home I never have prohibitions so I don't have to say : 'Mum, dad, when I'll be 18 - I'll can do everything what I want!'. My parents are really tolerant. That's why for me it's not so important.
One problem- I look quite younger than I am, so there will be many funny situation when people won't believe me how many old am I :) (yeeeeees, that's why I need identity card, to resolve their doubts :]) Time will tell what happen to me:)
Later I'm meeting with my friends so I'm getting set! :]

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