2014-02-23 @ 14:25:43
Hello! :)
I didn't write for a long time :(.
2014-02-17 @ 13:48:20
Finally winter holidays <3333
2014-02-15 @ 18:46:54
Art for today:
http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/046/3/e/quiet_calamity_by_megatruh-d76k76f.jpgQuiet Calamity by Megatruh on deviantART.
2014-02-14 @ 16:39:56
Art for today
https://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/294/b/0/good_night_by_aquasixio-d6rbht4.jpgGood night by AquaSixio on deviantART.
2014-02-13 @ 17:08:50
Art for today
http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/217/3/3/wings_of_the_dawn_by_thegreatandmightyoz-d1ubt53.jpgWings of the dawn by TheGreatandMightyOz on deviantART.
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