2009-09-12 @ 10:12:13
Finally I have a time to write new note.I wasn't busy but I couldn't organise anything.I have a lot of revisions.Last week I had three tests in Maths,Polish and Social studies.
Hopefully my English teacher came back and my English is improving.At the first lesson she explained 'Conditionals' and 'Have something done' and I must say I couldn't learn it at home because I remembered everything.
Recently my grandmother said our family from Australia is coming.They are going to visit everyone.What's moreI've never seen them or even hear anything about them before.They don't know Polish well,so I will have an opportunity to speak English.I can't wait.
I'm suprised how easy and fast I'm writing this note.When I started writing I used the dictionaly but now all the words are coming to my mind.I made progress:)

You know what ? It's easy to have an english conversation with german, swedish, norwegian, french or spanish. The thing becomes hard when that man is american, english or someone whose national language is english because he talks way faster than people who use english just sometimes :P

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