Sad day
2009-09-18 @ 18:27:17
Today was a terrible day.I found out that a priest who teached me,died in a tragic car accident yesterday.He was only 26.My Polish teacher told us about it and she wasn't be able to start a lesson.
And I also can't stop crying,because I can't believe he isn't around us.I can't believe I won't see his anymore ..He's teached me since September.I and all my classmates payed attention when he talked about the God. I thought owing to him my faith will be so much better than is now and I'll be able to understand some things..But now I realise how the human life is short and brittle.One day he lives and next day he's gone.And the worst I can't understand how it's going on..

that's why people need to catch every day of their life. we need to treat it like it's our last day. at least it's my opinion. don't cry, life's hard and some people believe that after death we're much happier.

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