On the beginning...
2010-07-12 @ 18:39:07
I already had a few blogs, but not in English. I was writting about my life, music, hobbys or just about that what I could see around me. Now it can be a little bit difficult for me to do the same things in another language. I don't know why exactly I started this blog, but I'm in Holland now and I will be here till the end of my holidays, so it can be a great fun and kind of learning to try say something about me and my world using this blog. So... see you later :)

I hope you'll enjoy making it, and make a great blog. Good luck!
Prawie wszystko zrozumiałam. Wybacz, że piszę po polsku. Ale jestem początkująca. Holandia kojarzy mi się z miłymi ludźmi, bo spotykałam ich w Polsce. Liczę na Twą pomoc, bo widzę, że jesteś dobra w angielskim. Good luck:)))

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