2010-02-22 @ 21:59:02
I started participating in extra maths lessons lately. On every Monday I've got 2h hours of extra maths and on Wednesdays another 2,5 hours. Let's hope it will worth it. I want to pass matura exam with a score above 60-70%. So far I had once 52% and another test was also above 50% but the 2nd was harder. So if I study it intensively I hope for some better score. The guy at maths lessons today was like a machine gun. He was explaining everything step by step but hell fast. There was sometimes not enough time to note everything down that he drew on the blackboard etc. In total I had today 3,5h of maths which is quite much. So I got back home a little before 8 p.m. and still I think it's better than sitting at home and wasting my time in the front of PC.

Hi :) Did you pass your Matura Exam ? You haven`t been here for a long time.Update your blog :))

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