healthy body in a healthy mind
2012-04-18 @ 22:30:06
I have recently started running. It makes me feel so good. Unfortunately I don't run reguraly. Sometimes it's because of weather but sometimes I just don't feel like it. I'm too tired or I just "don't want the world to see me". Maybe it's a bit rediculous but there are moments when I don't want people looking at me. From the psychological point of wiev I'm propably not self-confident person. And how about you? Do you practice sport?

I think that I should use business vocabulary in my posts. Especially the words which I meet during english classes. It would help me keep them in mind and use them properly.

How you ever heard about the marketing techique which is called "bundling". It means selling several product as one combined product.

Ok that's all for now:)

That's right. On Spring I try to cut down my eating and sweets and I have to say I feel better :)I practise aerobic within the confines of physical education. Maybe I go on aerobic only once a week but I feel better. After classes I feel exhaustion but I feel also big satisfaction and it's great. You must feel something similar when you overcome your laziness, everybody knows something about this ;)
And I have to admit for me it isn't ridiculous that you don't want people looking at you, I have the same problem.

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