4th day
2008-01-29 @ 15:39:59
I wrote "Paulina.doc". Hmm I think that was worst than "Magda.doc" but I wrote relly fast:) I love read books so mayby that is reason.
I must tell you about my night adventure:) While I was sleeping somethink was scrathing to my bed. So I opened my eyes and I saw my cat. It look frighteningly. I was really scard so I didn't come closer. I only opened the door and returned to bed. The cat went out from my room and stayed on corridor. Next day I sad everythink my father and he started laugh:) Mayby it's funny but my cat is really strange. My friend sad once that it can kill it sighth. I agree.
Third day
2008-01-28 @ 13:11:32
This is third day of winter holiday:) It's a bit boring but I'm going to go to my friend Agnieszka. She have got really good book and she'll lend me:) The book name's "Paulina.doc" and this is second part of "Magda.doc". I can't hardly wait:)
Winter Holiday:)
2008-01-26 @ 14:52:06
This is the wirst day our winter holiday:) I really happy but I don't feel this like earlier. Honestly I havn't good humour today. I don't know why but everything annoy me. Kisses:)
I love dance:)
2008-01-24 @ 15:41:30
Yesterday I went on carnaval party in my school:) It was fantastic!!! We were dancing a lot, singing (karaoke) and laughing:) A Dj was great. He also dedicated song with us. It was "Beautiful Girls":) Why? Becouse we were dancing on the desk:P It was great party! And without alcohol! It edvidence that alcohol is NOT indispensable!:)
2008-01-21 @ 19:27:15
Today in school was quite good. I got 5,5,4 and a lot of marks are given becouse winter holiday are comming:)But today I don't feel good. I'm find out about unpleasant think. I mean my brother. He told something bad about me:( It really hurt. But I won't write about it.
2008-01-20 @ 14:55:10
Today is so boring. The weather is awful so I can't go anywhere. It's raining and everything is so ugly. Also my humour is not veary good. I'm sleeping and I have big, dark shadows under the eyes. I always have their but don't huge like today. The most bad think is school-tomorrow. I should learn but...I can't. Never mind. On Wednesday I'll have a carnival party in school. Obligatory evening dress:) I have lovely dress:) But in my class are 4 boys. And I think that anyone won't come. They're a bit shy and quiet. I think that it wan't be any boy to dance:( But I'll go.
2008-01-19 @ 15:10:29
My parents are great. They bought me really beautiful sweater. The sweater is blue and I look quite good:) I'd rather blouson and jeans but I thought that I should start wear something more feminine.
I love Saturdays
2008-01-19 @ 10:12:45
Now it's 10 am. My parents and my brothers went to the shopping. I did't go becouse I'm little ill and I don't want be more ill. Mayby they'll buy something to me:) Last Saturday I was going to go to my friend but I didn't go becuse I wasn't feel like it. After she was a bit angry and she told me that I must come to her in this Saturday. I think that I'll go:) I wish you nice Sunday:) kisses
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