My favourite painters
2012-06-29 @ 19:07:21
Hello! How are you? I'm delighted with end of school year. I have been waiting for this day since September. I don't punch the air, because I'm too tired to do anything. For that reason I decided to celebrate Foot and Toes' Day today.
Nevertheless I don't want to write about school year's over. Everybody feels the same I guess. Accordingly I'd like to show you two artists today.

The first one, Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840) was German painter. He is known for paintings like Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (above), The Abbey in the Oakwood and The Dreamer. There are graveyards, ruins, broken trees and shadows in his works. They are climatic and full of emotions. I fell in love with his paintings. My favourite one is Wanderer above the Sea of Fog. When I observe this situation, I feel just like the Wanderer. He looks as if he came close to discovering the greatest misteries of world. I described this painting for Art lesson ("wiedza o kulturze" - I don't thing "Know about art" would be better translation). It was written on two pages and I got the highest grade :).
The second one is William Turner. He was born in 1775 and died in 1851. I have known him recently. In my opinion Alnwick Castle (above) is amazing. I notise excellent light-dark. Besides I love this ambience. Other brilliant works are Fishermen at Sea and Dido Building Carthage.
In fact William Turner and Caspar David Friedrich lived in the same time. It confirms that my favourite period of Art is Impressionism. I have bought calenders with impressionism works for three years.
To sum up I hope you will be satisfied after this post - satisfied with cognition these artists. None the less I'm sure you've seen one of this painting once. Although they are famous, they aren't as popular as Leonardo da Vinci or Vincent van Gogh's works.
Nevertheless I don't want to write about school year's over. Everybody feels the same I guess. Accordingly I'd like to show you two artists today.

The first one, Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840) was German painter. He is known for paintings like Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (above), The Abbey in the Oakwood and The Dreamer. There are graveyards, ruins, broken trees and shadows in his works. They are climatic and full of emotions. I fell in love with his paintings. My favourite one is Wanderer above the Sea of Fog. When I observe this situation, I feel just like the Wanderer. He looks as if he came close to discovering the greatest misteries of world. I described this painting for Art lesson ("wiedza o kulturze" - I don't thing "Know about art" would be better translation). It was written on two pages and I got the highest grade :).

In fact William Turner and Caspar David Friedrich lived in the same time. It confirms that my favourite period of Art is Impressionism. I have bought calenders with impressionism works for three years.
To sum up I hope you will be satisfied after this post - satisfied with cognition these artists. None the less I'm sure you've seen one of this painting once. Although they are famous, they aren't as popular as Leonardo da Vinci or Vincent van Gogh's works.