aj em biutiful :]
2007-10-16 @ 17:36:32
halo :], it is raining today :( it hasn,t raining for almost 2 weeks. i was in he shop because i want to buy an umbrella (4 pounds) and one old lady told me in the nearby shop are cheper umbrellas (2.99 pounds)and she went straight to the shop :]. one pound - big saver :D the elderly are very nice and helpful in uk.
one time old lady asked me about pink bag. she wanted to know if it went with her jacket :].
however i am allergic to UK :( i cry every day and something goes wrong. i am scared because i don't know what going on. i am very nerwous. i bought some pills with extract of valerian but they did't help me :(. if my boyfriend wasn't here with me i will go crazy. life's got sweet and bitter taste ;)white and black colour ;) but they are never mixed. life hasn't got grey colour because it will be boring :D

in my work there is some guy and we thouht he is a gey :P yesterday he sang the Kristina Agilera's song " i am beutiful" ;) and he is always looking at man in canteen ;)
i don't have nothing aganist geys but this men is lazy and he doing nothing and i must work when he is standing and looking at my boyfried's ass ;)
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