I don't study at all...
2008-05-29 @ 20:20:55
I go to quite good High School. It is obvious that if you want to go there you have to be good student and care about your grades. But I noticed that saying something like "I don't study at all.." is really in vogue. Even if we are going to have very important exam everyone who want to be "cool" claims that he doesn't know anything because he wasn't in the mood the day before or just did not want to hussle himself. But the truth is that they study all night and count on great grade.It sounds like a studying and worrying about results of tests it something we should be ashamed of.. like everyone who does it is a antisocial grind - and anyone wants to be a grind.. For me it is just stupid..
Test yourself
2008-05-17 @ 19:07:47
What summer type are you? ( in my case this quiz worked :) 1. When thinking about vacation, what is the first thing that crosses your mind? A. suntan cream B. a snorkel C. a guidebook
2. Your favourite "holiday" movie is : A. a comedy or romantic comedy B. "Indiana Jones" series and all the comics adaptations C. Bollywood movies
3. If you were an animal, what it would be? A. a at B. a dog C. a bird
4. The best city for holidays is : A. Egypt B. New York C. Paris
5. The best place to relax is : A. sand on the beach B. under the water or in the forest C. in a museum or a gallery
6. Water for you means : A. warm sea or lake, me in the boat or learning to surf B. equipment for scuba diving C. a cruise towards China, following Marco Polo tracks
7. When in Rome... A. do what Romans do: look for a nice cafe and search for trendy shops B. check if it is true what they say about "Di Trevi Fountain" C. definitely Pantheon and Coliseum and Spanish Stairs!
MOST A The answer is easy : you are a beach type. Sun, sand and warm water is all you need to be happy and to relax the way you like. You do not mind some of the summer activities, and even a trip to an interesting place from time to time but these cannot distract you from your favourite activity - doing nothing on the beach in August!
MOST B Adventure is your second name! No matter where but it must be somewhere exciting! The best option would be a jungle in the middle of Africa, diving course in Mexico or even paintball on safari. You like to be always on a move, so everything from rock climbing to paraglidging will suit you as long as you do not get bored.
MOST C Educational holidays. You are also called intellectual type, and that's why the best vacation for you will be sightseeing new places. They can be of historical interest, they can be the Old Town of Budapest but the more you learn from them the more you like it.
tense waiting time..
2008-05-10 @ 19:58:32
I've just washed out the dye from my hair.. I have never had this hue before. Hope I will not look like a carrot..
Anyway. I'm curious about how did you came across this page..? In my case it was a pure coincidence ;> I haven't even search this type of website :)
just women's life..
2008-05-01 @ 21:03:01
Being a woman is worse than being a farmer - there is so much harvesting and crop spraying to be done: legs to be waxed, underarms shaved, eyebrows plucked, feet pumiced, skin exfoliated and moisturized, spots cleansed, roots dyed, eyelashes tinted, nails filed, cellulite massaged, stomach muscles exercised.
Do I have to write whose are these words? :) Bridget rules ;)
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