7 days with films
2014-11-24 @ 18:48:28
The Hunger Games, The Hunger Games: In the Catching Fire, The Hunger Games:Mockingjay
That films are amazing &exceptional.tells the story of love, heroism , sacrifice , selflessness and courage . Trilogy is great but in my opinion the book is better , as is shown from the point of view of the heroine - Katniss . Of course, movies are rózwnież very interesting and worth taking the time . November 21 was the prime minister of 1 part Mockingjay . Estimate at 9/10
The Hunger Games, The Hunger Games: In the Catching Fire, The Hunger Games:Mockingjay
That films are amazing &exceptional.tells the story of love, heroism , sacrifice , selflessness and courage . Trilogy is great but in my opinion the book is better , as is shown from the point of view of the heroine - Katniss . Of course, movies are rózwnież very interesting and worth taking the time . November 21 was the prime minister of 1 part Mockingjay . Estimate at 9/10