Yo! :P
2009-09-29 @ 22:35:59
I alone in my room. I'm sitting in darkness, and I don't afraid of the dark. I like darkness, because I can think about life, people, whose very important to me. :) People say me, that you must be strong, and I know, that it's true. I can't give in to despair, if something goes wrong. But, it will be all right on the night, I must remember. In this time, I'v got a lot of exams. On friday I'v got a exam of History. Luckily, I like History, and I will be learning with pleasure. J know that, In High School, It will be no picnic. So, I must lern :( Now, Im' very dog tired. And I don't know, what I could write. BYe XD #