My dream
2011-08-13 @ 20:43:51
I was dreaming about riding.
In the dream I'm riding with my friends on the table past the bus stop.It's early in the afternoom and the sun is shining.
Later, where I'm turning right that moment I've striked myself, to damage also my bike on human's possesion between two trees which weren't tall.
Then, I've lost my bike.I've looked green car it's name passat.I've begun to search it.I've noticed a man, who had got dark curly hair. I told him:Good afternoom.He answered the same. THE END
Safe holidays
2011-07-08 @ 17:06:06
How to live safe holidays?It's an important question cause if you decide to leave home,let's think:Are they safe? Many young people would do dangerous things.
Good holidays!!!
Happy Easter!!!
2011-04-24 @ 09:34:58
Today I had got with my all family Breakfast of Easter.On the table were next food:We've got holy eggs,sausages,smoked meat and pie,but we haven't got a holy lamb which from sugar.I hadn't got lessons in school.We don't have to go to the school,We've got many free days.
My first exam.
2011-04-06 @ 14:37:37
On 5 April I had got first important exam of secondary school.He wasn't hard, but it was maths.I'm bad in maths.Before all:write about Karol Gauss,write invitation about mathematicians to the paper school in name of local class.And I had to choose answer from history from ages.I had to answer on questions of text.Questions was concerning of little mathematician from the text. That's all.
My birthday
2011-04-06 @ 14:24:27
My birthday are on March,27th.I had got a birthday.Too bad.I could write: my birthday are today.I'm waiting on wishes.
Dinosaurus- Brachiosaurus and tyranozaurus
2011-03-28 @ 16:39:16
Brachiosaurus: The Brachiosaurus was the biggest dinosaur.It had four legs.It was thirty metres long and twelve metres tall.It ate plants.It lived North America and Africa. Tyranosaurus: The Tyranosaurus was the fiercest dinosaur.It had four legs. It was fifteen metres long and five metres tall.It had sharp teeth on its rentile.It ate meat.It lived in North America and Canada.
cheesecake recipe
2011-03-22 @ 16:02:59
-75 dag of white cheese -1 glass of sugar -four eggs -1 glass of milk -0,5 glass of olive,biscuit Cheese beat through machine.Two, sugar beat with proteins and all ingrendients take into twisted cheese and mix can add raisins.We're taking on bottom of blacah.
TV habits forum- my conctact with TV.
2011-03-22 @ 15:55:28
Only- my favourite programmes.I don't like different programmes.I'm watching TV three hours in School days and one hour in weekends.I've got my favourite films.They'll hide in holidays. I don't like sport programmes and horror films. When someone from my family watches TV, I'm coming back to my room or I'm playing computer games. I haven't got a TV in my room but my brother has got.When I'm sick, I'm eating and drink while I'm watching TV.I'm not watching TV alone.I like watching with my parents in their bathroom where is TV.I'm not watching TV DVDs on my set and on my computer, because I haven't got it.
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