2010-11-21 @ 20:55:57
Everything went wrong :< I've got bad selfsensation since last thursday.
zenonkosiara's English Blog : Zenon Kosiara | |
2010-11-21 @ 20:55:57
Everything went wrong :< I've got bad selfsensation since last thursday.
2010-11-08 @ 17:49:20
Sry, that I havn't wrote andy note since 2 weeks, but i had a break :P
What changed in my life since last post? nothing, and that's the problem. I tried to spend time more active - go swimming 3 times a week. Next step'll be a exercies and diet. I think I can do it! After trip
2010-10-25 @ 18:43:21
It was awesome. I had a great time, and i learned my classmates more. I'll never forget things that we have did there and my roommates :D It was something amazing. Best part was in the train :> Ppl who was there know what i mean XD
When i came back i was a little bit tired. Next day i was late to first lesson. Ofc all day was boring, but i can not sleep. I have to do homevorks and learn - this week is very hard - but i must win and came to end of the work week - 5 days free! I'll have so much fun School trip
2010-10-17 @ 12:49:21
Hi there,
Tomorrow I've got maths exam - i must get someting above 1 XD It's very important coz I am on maths-physc profil. On friday we're going to 3-days school trip. We wanna indrouduce ourselfes to each other. We need more integration to know more about us. The trip is to Kłudawa Zdrój or something like that :P There're many things that we want to do there - swimming pool, line park, walking through the mountains and having fun in train and in our rooms. I can't wait to friday. Sorry to that killing pink - iI thought that it is calmy color. My mistake, sorry again. See you soon, Peter October 11th
2010-10-11 @ 19:02:01
Hi, it's me again :)
October like october, it's a bit sunny with extra clouds and freeze air. Generally it is cold, now. I can't wait to thursday - it's free, and we're not going to school. I was glad to hear that few days ago, when my friend told me that. I was really happy :) In school nothing new - sometimes it's a bit hard, but than we have chill out ;> in each work week i can not wait until the free time. On wednesday we're going to the party, to club. I'm really happy of that. We're going to have a lot of fun - like always with this team. Ok, I must end my writing - See you soon XXX Peter Hi there
2010-10-11 @ 18:47:28
Hi, my name's Peter and I'm sixteen. I'm going to write about my life, feelings and all things that happened and will happen to me. I hope that you'll find some good things here, and that you'll read my blog reguraly :) The desing of site will change sudennly, but you must w8 some time - don't panic, it won't take me long - i need to find my CD of Photoshop.
Cya, Peter
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